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Costa Listened


Meeting with Costa in the early 2000’s and again in 2003 for advice on a possible major career change proved to be pivotal in the following years. You see I had been with the same company for the better part of 34 years, most of which as a Director and later as a Shareholder. At the time of my first meeting with Costa, I had reluctantly come to the conclusion that I could not stay with the company, yet I did not have the courage to pull out and change direction. Costa listened.

Then he listed the options before me and invited me to engage in a process of discovering my Purpose, then counting the cost, then setting my course toward it. His considered and wise counsel encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and make a decision to completely change direction in my work-a-day life. Had I not taken his advice, it’s doubtful I would have been able to retire at the end of my 60th year and pursue my passion to become a full-time artist. I am currently exhibiting the fruit of that passion at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens and loving every minute of my artistic career. Looking back on the outcome of my 2 visits to Costa, I can see how invaluable his role has been, not only as a professional, but as a trusted friend.

Bill Brown
© Costa Mitchell 2024 

Website by © Jonathon Durno

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